
  • Mr. Balut-, or 941-575-5450 ext. *7116

    Economics /Financial Literacy 2021-2022


    Course Description

    This course will give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. Areas of study will include supply and demand, international and domestic trade, the calculation of national income and price-level determination, and international economics. The course will also introduce the concept of the business cycle, an overview of economic fluctuations and the dynamics of unemployment, inflation, and economic growth.


    General Course of Study

     Semester 1 Quarter 1 (Semester 2 Quarter 3)

    • Unit 1: (SS.912.E.1.1, SS.912.E.1.2)
    • Unit 2: (SS.912.E.1.3, SS.912.E.2.12, MA.912.A.2.2 )
    • Unit 3: (SS.912.E.1.4, SS.912.E.1.7)
    • Unit 4: (SS.912.E.1.3, SS.912.E.1.6)


    Semester 1 Quarter 2 (Semester 2 Quarter 4)

    • Unit 5: (SS.912.E.3.2, SS.912.E.3.4, SS.912.G.4.4)
    • Unit 6: (SS.912.E.3.5, SS.912.E.1.13)
    • Unit 7: (SS.912.E.2.7, SS.912.E.2.8, SS.912.E.2.2)
    • Unit 8: (SS.912.E.2.8, SS.912.E.2.9, SS.912.E.2.10)
    • Unit 9: (SS.912.E.3.5, SS.912.G.2.2, SS.912.E.3.3, SS.912.E.3.2, SS.912.E.3.1)
    • Unit 10: (SS.912.E.1.16, SS.912.E.1.14, SS.912.E.1.15, SS.912.E.1.14, MA.912.F.3.3, MA.912.F.3.1)


    Some standards are covered throughout the year and are not listed with a particular chapter. They are as follows:

    LA.1112.1.6.1, LA.1112.1.6.2, LA.1112.1.6.3, LA.1112.2.2.2, LA.1112.2.2.3, LA.1112.6.2.4, LA.1112.6.3.1, MA.912.A.2.1, MA.912.A.2.2, MA.912.D.4.1,


    All standards listed are the current benchmark numbers listed on the Florida Standards web site.


    Grading Scale:

                    A = 100-90           B = 89-80              C = 79-70              D = 69-60             F = 59 and below


    Daily Class Requirements:

    1. Class Notebook- composition book.   Students will receive a notebook grade.
    2. Folder for handouts
    3. Pen and Pencil


    Classroom Expectations:

    • Tardy Policy: Being late is a disruption to the class to me and your classmates.  You must be in my room by the time the bell rings and on your way to your seat.  If you choose to ignore this policy appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with school policy (please see CCPS Code of Conduct). 


    • Be Prepared for Class: It is exceptionally difficult to have an orderly and meaningful class if everyone is not well prepared. You need to bring your notebook, paper and black pen with you everyday.  Sometimes people forget things.  I understand that this happens, but appropriate actions will be taken in cases of those who are habitually unprepared.


    • Homework: This is a compound word.  The first word is “home.”  This tells you where it should be done.  The second word is “work.”  This tells you that it takes effort and will be held to a standard.  Keep this in mind.  It is due when I collect it.  Late homework will not be accepted.  Read the previous sentence again.


    • Makeup Work: If you are absent it is solely your responsibility to find out what you missed.  Asking me for this information during class time is never  Please come before or after class.  School policy states that you only have two days to make up work for every one day you are absent. This includes tests and quizzes.  Long term projects will be due the first day the student returns to school after an absence. All makeup tests must be done before or after school. ALL Unexcused absences will receive a 30% grade reduction on makeup work.


    • Headings: You MUST head your papers with name, period and assignment title.  Failure to do so will result in a ten point penalty on the assignment.  Illegible work will be graded as a zero.  Please write legibly.


    • Talking: No talking during notes, lectures, or movies…even if it is about the subject. No talking when I’m talking….I do not enjoy explaining stuff repeatedly! Also all speech in class will be respectful and free of profanity. No potty mouths!!!


    • Cheating: This is simple.  Do not cheat.  If it is questionable, it is probably cheating.  ALL work that I assign is to be completed individually.  Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero for the assignment and their work will be heavily scrutinized for the remainder of the course.  I have no tolerance for cheaters.


    I do not believe that these rules are unreasonable in any way, nor do I find them particularly difficult to follow. 


    It is important that you also understand that this is a two-way street.  I cannot expect you to abide by these rules and then not agree to any for myself.  I, too, will come to class on time and prepared.  I will try to make the class as interesting and fulfilling for each of you.  I will treat each of you with respect and dignity.  Most importantly, I am prepared to do whatever it takes to see you succeed in this class.  If you are willing to put in extra effort, I will be with you every step of the way.  If you need help before or after school I will do my best to provide whatever additional assistance to you that I can.


    This is our contract for the school year.  I have signed it and you and your parents need to sign it as well.  This document should be kept in the front page of your notebook as a reminder of the rules in our classroom.



    ___________________________________________ Date_________________

    Mr. Balut, teacher



    ___________________________________________ Date_________________

    Student Signature




    Student Name (Printed)



    ___________________________________________ Date_________________