Phone: 941-575-5450


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Shannon Derby

My name is Shannon Derby and I have over 15 years experience teaching all levels of education; K-12 and adult students. I have my PhD in Clinical Pastoral Counseling, a Master's Degree in Professional Counseling, and a Bachelor's Degree in Human Services with a Minor in Criminal Justice. From 2008 to 2021, I was an Instructor at the Maloney Center for Staff Training and Development for the State of Connecticut, Department of Correction. Over the years, I worked as a Correctional Substance Abuse Counselor, and Correctional Counselor Supervisor in the Addiction Treatment Unit. When I retired in 2021, I had completed 24 years of state service. My family and I decided to move to sunny Florida and I wanted to continue working with students as that has been a main purpose throughout my life. Charlotte High School has become the most recent addition to my resume, and it is a fabulous place to work.

I have taught a variety of courses: 

Personal, Career & School Development Skills (9th Grade)

English Language Arts (9th & 10th Grade)


I love teaching and watching students learn, and I look forward to a wonderful school year!


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