• Lesson Plans PIANO KEYS 17-18

    Lesson Plans                                                Michelle Marshall, PCM, 2017-18

    PIANO KEYBOARD #1301030

    • Students with little or no prior experience develop fundamental piano techniques, learn to read music, apply basic music theory, and explore the role of keyboard music in history and culture.
    • Beginning pianists explore musical creativity in the form of basic arranging and improvisation, and develop analytical listening and problem-solving skills.
    • Public performances may serve as a culmination of specific instructional goals. Students may be required to attend and/or participate in rehearsals and performances outside the school day to support, extend, and assess learning in the classroom.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.1.1:................ Create a composition and/or performance, using visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.

    MU.68.F.3.2:................ Investigate and discuss laws that protect intellectual property, and practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of musical media.

    MU.68.H.1.5:................ Using representative musical works by selected composers, classify compositional characteristics common to a specific time period and/or genre.

    MU.68.H.2.3:................ Classify the literature being studied by genre, style, and/or time period.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MU.68.O.1.1:................ Compare performances of a musical work to identify artistic choices made by performers(rhythm, melody, timbre, form, tonality, harmony, expressive elements; choral, orchestral, band, ensemble)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.1.1:................. Improvise rhythmic and melodic phrases to accompany familiar songs and/or standard harmonic progressions.  (blues, rock)

    MU.68.S.1.3:................. Arrange a short musical piece by manipulating meloy, form, rhythm, and/or voicing.

    MU.68.S.2.2:................. Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MU.68.S.3.5:................. Notate rhythmic phrases and/or melodies, in varying simple meters, performed by someone else.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.2:............. Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.3:............. Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.

    LAFS.6.SL.2.4:............. Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

    LAFS.68.RST.2.4:....... Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.

    LAFS.68.WHST.3.7:... Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a selfgenerated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #1 – Thursday, August 11 – Friday, August 18


    Introduce and/or review piano/music basics, such as:

    Note values (whole, dotted-half, half, quarter, eighth).

    Rest values (whole, dotted-half, half, quarter).

    Musical staff (lines/spaces, measure, bar line)

    Process the above information through whole group instruction, Quiz-Quiz-Trade, worksheets, and beginning piano pages done as a group and with peer tutoring.

    MU.68.S.2.2:................. Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    Week #2 – Monday, August 21 – Friday, August 25

    REVIEW – Continue to review above basic material.

    BEGIN PLAYING individually on keyboards with headphones using Bastien beginning piano books.

    Teacher and peer tutoring when necessary.

    Everyone should pass p.16+17 by week end.

    MU.68.S.2.2:................. Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    Week #3 – Monday, August 27 – Thursday, August 31

    INDIVIDUAL PLAYING on keyboards with headphones and Bastien piano books.

    Individual ASSESSMENT on songs when students are ready.

    Everyone should pass p.18+19 by week end.

    (Next week formulate individual goals and rubrics.)

    MU.68.S.2.2:................. Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    Week #4/5/6 – HURRICANE - Tuesday, September 5 – Friday, September 22

    INDIVIDUAL PLAYING on keyboards with headphones and Bastien piano books.

    Individual testing to determine goals for semester 1.

    Continued modeling, scaffolding, and guided practice for student individually.

    Individual testing to “pass” proficiency on songs.

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.O.1.1:................ Compare performances of a musical work to identify artistic choices made by performers(rhythm, melody, timbre, form, tonality, harmony, expressive elements; choral, orchestral, band, ensemble)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.2.2:................. Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    LAFS.68.RST.2.4:....... Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #7 – Monday, September 25 – Friday, September 29

    INDIVIDUAL PLAYING on keyboards with headphones and Bastien piano books.

    Individual testing on a weekly basis.

    Continued modeling, scaffolding, and guided practice for student individually.

    Advanced students have the opportunity to provide tutoring for struggling students.

    Individual testing to “pass” proficiency on songs.

    Students maintain a listening log.

    Students perform for class on a song of their choice when proficiency is reached.

    MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS:  Listening Log and/or Musical Dictation

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.F.3.2:................ Investigate and discuss laws that protect intellectual property, and practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of musical media.

    MU.68.H.1.5:................ Using representative musical works by selected composers, classify compositional characteristics common to a specific time period and/or genre.

    MU.68.H.2.3:................ Classify the literature being studied by genre, style, and/or time period.

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MU.68.O.1.1:................ Compare performances of a musical work to identify artistic choices made by performers(rhythm, melody, timbre, form, tonality, harmony, expressive elements; choral, orchestral, band, ensemble)

    MU.68.S.1.1:................. Improvise rhythmic and melodic phrases to accompany familiar songs and/or standard harmonic progressions.  (blues, rock)

    MU.68.S.1.3:................. Arrange a short musical piece by manipulating meloy, form, rhythm, and/or voicing.

    MU.68.S.2.2:................. Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.5:................. Notate rhythmic phrases and/or melodies, in varying simple meters, performed by someone else.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS:  Student Performances

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.1.1:................ Create a composition and/or performance, using visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    FRIDAYS:  MAKE UP DAY (missed performances or individual help) & ACTIVITY/GAME DAY (opt.)

    Week #8 – Monday, October 2 – Friday, October 6

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #9 – Monday, October 9 – Friday, October 13

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #10 – Tuesday, October 17 – Friday, October 20

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #11 – Monday, October 23 – Friday, October 27

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #12 – Monday, October 30 – Friday, November 3

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #13 – Monday, November 6 – Friday, November 10

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #14 – Monday, November 13 – Friday, November 17

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #15 – THANKSGIVING - Monday, November 20 – Tuesday, November 21

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #16 –Monday, November 27 – Friday, December 1

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #17 –Monday, December 4 – Friday, December 8

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #18 –Monday, December 11 – Friday, December 15

    SAME as above:  Students continue to progress on an individual basis.

    Week #19 –Monday, December 18 – Thursay, December 21