• Lesson Plans EXPL MUS 17-18

    Lesson Plans                                                                                                Michelle Marshall, PCM, 2017-18

    EXPLORING MUSIC #1300080

    • Students with little or no vocal or instrumental experience develop basic foundational skills and knowledge, including music theory, technique, musicianship and ensemble skills. 
    • Students also explore different genres of music and learn about the benefits of music study. 
    • Students may be required to attend one or more performances outside of the school day to support, extend, and assess learning in the classroom. 
    • This course may require students to obtain a musical instrument (e.g., borrow, rent, purchase) from an outside source.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.F.3.2:................ Investigate and discuss laws that protect intellectual property, and practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of musical media.

    MU.68.H.2.1: ............... Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #1 – Thursday, August 11 – Friday, August 18


    Note values (whole, dotted-half, half, quarter, eighth, eighth pairs, sixteenth quads)

    Rest values (whole, dotted-half, half, quarter)

    Time signature & meter (4/4, 3/4, 2/4)

    Practice using all of above through modeling, whole group instruction, worksheets, Quiz-Quiz-Trade, dictation, and composition.

    Quiz at end of week.

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    Week #2 – Monday, August 21 – Friday, August 25

    PITCH UNIT – Lines & Spaces

    Musical Staff – lines, spaces, measures, bar lines, ledger lines.

    Practice using all of above through modeling, whole group activities, worksheets, and MatchMine activity.

    Quiz at end of week.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    Week #3 – Monday, August 27 – Thursday, August 31

    PITCH UNIT – Singing & Solfedge

    Singing technique – breathe, listen, adjust, make improvements.

    Solfedge hand signs.

    Practice using all of above through modeling, whole group instruction, worksheets, Quiz-Quiz-Trade, echoing, and whole group singing.

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    Week #4/5/6 – HURRICANE - Tuesday, September 5 – Friday, September 22

    PITCH UNIT – Singing, Solfege, and Voice

    Continue to review proper singing technique and hand signs.

    Compete Voice Booklet which covers vocal anatomy, mechanisms, proper support, vocal maladies, etc.

    TEST on Voice information, Proper singing technique, and Solfege hand signs.

    Practice using all of above through modeling, whole group instruction, worksheets, Kagan structures, echoing, peer coaching, and whole group singing.

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #7 – Monday, September 25 – Friday, September 29

    RECORDER UNIT – Reading & Performing music

    Recorder worksheets #1 & #2.

    Proper handling and care of instrument.

    Classroom instrument rules.


    B, A, G pitches and corresponding fingerings.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #8 – Monday, October 2 – Friday, October 6

    RECORDER UNIT – Reading & Performing music

    Recorder worksheets #3 & #4.


    Review B, A, G pitches and corresponding fingerings.

    Learn E, D, and F# pitches and corresponding fingerings.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #9 – Monday, October 9 – Friday, October 13

    RECORDER UNIT – Reading & Performing music

    Recorder worksheets #5 & #6.

    Review B, A, G, D, E, F# pitches and corresponding fingerings.

    Learn high C and high D pitches and corresponding fingerings.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #10 – Tuesday, October 17 – Friday, October 20

    RECORDER UNIT – Reading & Performing music

    Recorder worksheet #7.

    Review B, A, G, D, E, F#, high C and high D pitches and corresponding fingerings.

    Canon, repeat sign.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.O.3.2:................ Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................. Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................. Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #11 – Monday, October 23 – Friday, October 27

    INSTRUMENT UNIT – Instrument families

    Instrument worksheets #1 and #2.

    Videos:  instrument families.

    QQT and/or flash cards.

    Whole group instruction and discussion.

    Listening examples.

    *Discuss safe & legal download/copy/internet use.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.F.3.2:................ Investigate and discuss laws that protect intellectual property, and practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of musical media.

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #12 – Monday, October 30 – Friday, November 3

    INSTRUMENT UNIT – Instrument families AND Musical Ensembles.

    Instrument/Ensemble worksheet #3.

    Whole group instruction and discussion.

    Listening examples of Musical Ensembles: symphonic band, marching band, jazz band, orchestra, chorus.

    *Review safe & legal download/copy/internet use.

    TEST over instrument families and musical ensembles.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #13 – Monday, November 6 – Friday, November 10

    MUSIAL PERIODS UNIT – Medieval, Renaissance

    Musical Periods worksheet #1 & #2.

    Powerpoint presentation.

    Whole group instruction and discussion.

    Listening examples of Musical Ensembles.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.H.2.1: ............... Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #14 – Monday, November 13 – Friday, November 17

    MUSIAL PERIODS UNIT – Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque

    Musical Periods worksheets #3, #4 & #5.

    Powerpoint presentation.

    Whole group instruction and discussion.

    Listening examples of Musical Ensembles.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.H.2.1: ............... Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #15 – THANKSGIVING - Monday, November 20 – Tuesday, November 21

    MUSIAL PERIODS UNIT – Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque

    Musical Periods worksheet #6.

    Powerpoint presentation.

    Whole group instruction and discussion.

    Listening examples of Musical Ensembles.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.H.2.1: ............... Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    Week #16 –Monday, November 27 – Friday, December 1

    MUSIAL PERIODS UNIT – Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern

    Musical Periods worksheets #7, 8 & #9.

    Powerpoint presentation.

    Whole group instruction and discussion.

    Listening examples of Musical Ensembles.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.F.3.1: ................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.H.2.1: ............... Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:.... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:.... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:.... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    DA.68.S.2.1: ................. Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: ... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.