• Lesson Plans 7th/8th Chorus 17-18

    Lesson Plans – Chorus Level 2 + 3                  Michelle Marshall, PCM, 2017-18

    CHORUS  #1303010

    CHORUS  #1303020

    • Students with previous choral experience build intermediate-level knowledge of vocal technique, musical literacy, ensemble skills, and related musical knowledge through rehearsal, performance, and study of a variety of high-quality 2-, 3-, and 4-part choral literature.
    • Public performances may serve as a culmination of specific instructional goals.
    • Students may be required to attend and/or participate in rehearsals and performances outside the school day to support, extend, and assess learning in the classroom.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance) resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.C.3.1:................ Apply specific criteria to evaluate why a musical work is an exemplar in a specific style or genre.             

    MU.68.F.2.1:................ Describe several routes a composition or performance could travel from creator to consumer.  (MIDI and other technology, production, sharing on the Internet, home studios, professional recording studios, sales)

    MU.68.F.2.2:................ Describe how concert attendance can financially impact a community.  (increased revenues at restaurants, hotels, and travel agencies; venue maintenance, parking attendants)

    MU.68.F.3.1:................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.F.3.2:................ Investigate and discuss laws that protect intellectual property, and practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of musical media.

    MU.68.H.1.2:................ Identify the works of representative composers within a specific style or time period.

    MU.68.H.1.3:................ Describe how American music has been influenced by other cultures.

    MU.68.H.1.4:................ Classify authentic stylistic features in music originating from various cultures.  (rhythm, layered texture, key patterns, tonality, melodic line, quarter- or semi-tones, national folk melodies, improvisation, instrumentation, aural/oral traditions, drumming patterns)

    MU.68.H.2.1:................ Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.2.2:................ Analyze how technology has changed the way music is created, performed, acquired, and experienced.  (from harpsichord to piano; from phonograph to CD)

    MU.68.H.2.3:................ Classify the literature being studied by genre, style, and/or time period.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MU.68.O.1.1:............... Compare performances of a musical work to identify artistic choices made by performers.  (rhythm, melody, timbre, form, tonality, harmony, expressive elements; choral, orchestral, band, ensemble)

    MU.68.O.2.2:............... Demonstrate knowledge of major and minor tonalities through performance and composition.  (e.g., scales; key signatures; relative major/minor; parallel major/minor)

    MU.68.O.3.1: ............... Describe how the combination of instrumentation and expressive elements in a musical work can convey a specific thought, idea, mood, and/or image.  (tempo markings, expression markings, articulation markings, phrasing, scales, modes, harmonic structure, timbre, rhythm, orchestration)

    MU.68.O.3.2:............... Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.1.1:................ Improvise rhythmic and melodic phrases to accompany familiar songs and/or standard harmonic progressions.  (blues, rock)

    MU.68.S.1.3:................ Arrange a short musical piece by manipulating melody, form, rhythm, and/or voicing.

    MU.68.S.1.4:................ Sing or play melodies by ear with support from the teacher and/or peers.  (melodies using traditional classroom instruments and/or voice)

    MU.68.S.2.1:................ Perform music from memory to demonstrate knowledge of the musical structure.  (basic themes, patterns, tonality, melody, harmony)

    MU.68.S.2.2:................ Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................ Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................ Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MU.68.S.3.3:................ Sight-read standard exercises and simple repertoire.  (note and rest values, key signatures, time signatures, expressive markings, special harmonic and/or notation symbols)

    MU.68.S.3.4:................ Compare written notation to aural examples and analyze for accuracy of rhythm and pitch.  (error detection, interval reinforcement)

    MU.68.S.3.5:................ Notate rhythmic phrases and/or melodies, in varying simple meters, performed by someone else.

    MU.68.S.3.6:................ Develop and demonstrate efficient rehearsal strategies to apply skills and techniques.  (independently, collaboratively)

    LAFS.6.SL.1.2:............ Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study)

    LAFS.6.SL.1.3:............ Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.

    LAFS.6.SL.2.4:............ Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

    LAFS.68.RST.2.4:........ Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domainspecific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.

    LAFS.68.WHST.2.4:.... Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

    LAFS.68.WHST.3.9:.... Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research.

    DA.68.S.2.1:................ Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1:...... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:...... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:...... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:...... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............ Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.


    STUDENTS will be introduced to, and will continue to develop, the following skills:

    • Warm-ups - stretching, posture, breathing, scales, solfedge w/hand signs, step/skip patterns, canons.
    • Fundamentals - tone quality, intonation, articulation.
    • Theory – notes, rhythms, meter, dynamics.
    • Effects - blend, tempo, phrasing.

    We are preparing for our fall concert on Tuesday, November 14. 

    1st Period

    “Jubilate Alleluia”,  “May It Be”,  “Gaudeamus Hodie”,  “I’m A Believer”

    5th Period

    “Agnus Dei”,  “This Old Hammer”,  “Gaudeamus Hodie”,  “I’m A Believer”

    7th Period

    “Put A Lid On It”,  “Far and Away”,  “Gaudeamus Hodie”,  “I’m A Believer”

    MU.68.C.1.1:................... Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................... Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................... Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................... Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance) resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.H.1.2:................... Identify the works of representative composers within a specific style or time period.

    MU.68.H.1.3:................... Describe how American music has been influenced by other cultures.

    MU.68.H.2.1:................... Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.3.1:................... Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.O.2.2:................... Demonstrate knowledge of major and minor tonalities through performance and composition.  (e.g., scales; key signatures; relative major/minor; parallel major/minor)

    MU.68.S.1.4:................... Sing or play melodies by ear with support from the teacher and/or peers.  (melodies using traditional classroom instruments and/or voice)

    MU.68.S.2.1:................... Perform music from memory to demonstrate knowledge of the musical structure.  (basic themes, patterns, tonality, melody, harmony)

    MU.68.S.2.2:................... Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................... Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................... Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MU.68.S.3.3:................... Sight-read standard exercises and simple repertoire.  (note and rest values, key signatures, time signatures, expressive markings, special harmonic and/or notation symbols)

    MU.68.S.3.4:................... Compare written notation to aural examples and analyze for accuracy of rhythm and pitch.  (error detection, interval reinforcement)


    STUDENTS will be continue to develop the following skills:

    • Warm-ups - stretching, posture, breathing, scales, solfedge w/hand signs, step/skip patterns, canons.
    • Fundamentals - tone quality, intonation, articulation.
    • Theory – notes, rhythms, meter, dynamics.
    • Effects - blend, tempo, phrasing.

    We are preparing for our fall concert on Tuesday, November 14. (See individual songs for each group, above.)

    After concert we will focus on Christmas Carols that will be sung at the Chic-Fil-A PCM Spirit Night on Wednesday, December 20.

    MU.68.C.1.1:................ Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works.  (listening maps, active listening, checklists)

    MU.68.C.1.2:................ Compare, using correct music vocabulary, the aesthetic impact of a performance to one’s own hypothesis of the composer’s intent.  (quality recordings, peer group and individual performances, composer notes, instrumentation, expressive elements, title)

    MU.68.C.2.1:................ Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.  (intonation, balance, blend, phrasing, rhythm)

    MU.68.C.2.2:................ Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance) resulting from practice or rehearsal.  (e.g., blend, balance, ensemble playing, sonority, technique, tone quality)

    MU.68.C.3.1:................ Apply specific criteria to evaluate why a musical work is an exemplar in a specific style or genre.             

    MU.68.F.2.1:................ Describe several routes a composition or performance could travel from creator to consumer.  (MIDI and other technology, production, sharing on the Internet, home studios, professional recording studios, sales)

    MU.68.F.2.2:................ Describe how concert attendance can financially impact a community.  (increased revenues at restaurants, hotels, and travel agencies; venue maintenance, parking attendants)

    MU.68.F.3.1:................ Describe how studying music can enhance citizenship, leadership, and global thinking.  (dedication to mastering a task, problem-solving, selfdiscipline, dependability, ability to organize, cultural awareness, mutual respect)

    MU.68.F.3.2:................ Investigate and discuss laws that protect intellectual property, and practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of musical media.

    MU.68.H.1.2:................ Identify the works of representative composers within a specific style or time period.

    MU.68.H.1.3:................ Describe how American music has been influenced by other cultures.

    MU.68.H.2.1:................ Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

    MU.68.H.2.2:................ Analyze how technology has changed the way music is created, performed, acquired, and experienced.  (from harpsichord to piano; from phonograph to CD)

    MU.68.H.3.1:................ Identify connections among music and other content areas and/or contexts through interdisciplinary collaboration.  (school: other music classes, social studies, dance, physical education, science, health, math, world languages; community: cultural connections and traditions, ceremonial music, sales and advertising, communication)

    MU.68.H.3.2................. Discuss how the absence of music would affect other content areas and contexts. (theatre and dance, movies, sporting events, video games, commercial advertising, social gatherings, civic and religious ceremonies, plays)

    MU.68.O.1.1:............... Compare performances of a musical work to identify artistic choices made by performers.  (rhythm, melody, timbre, form, tonality, harmony, expressive elements; choral, orchestral, band, ensemble)

    MU.68.O.2.2:............... Demonstrate knowledge of major and minor tonalities through performance and composition.  (e.g., scales; key signatures; relative major/minor; parallel major/minor)

    MU.68.O.3.1: ............... Describe how the combination of instrumentation and expressive elements in a musical work can convey a specific thought, idea, mood, and/or image.  (tempo markings, expression markings, articulation markings, phrasing, scales, modes, harmonic structure, timbre, rhythm, orchestration)

    MU.68.O.3.2:............... Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.

    MU.68.S.2.1:................ Perform music from memory to demonstrate knowledge of the musical structure.  (basic themes, patterns, tonality, melody, harmony)

    MU.68.S.2.2:................ Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

    MU.68.S.3.1:................ Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.  (technique, phrasing, dynamics, tone quality, blend, balance, intonation, kinesthetic support/response)

    MU.68.S.3.2:................ Demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.  (posture, breathing, fingering, embouchure, bow technique, tuning, strumming)

    MU.68.S.3.3:................ Sight-read standard exercises and simple repertoire.  (note and rest values, key signatures, time signatures, expressive markings, special harmonic and/or notation symbols)

    MU.68.S.3.4:................ Compare written notation to aural examples and analyze for accuracy of rhythm and pitch.  (error detection, interval reinforcement)

    MU.68.S.3.5:................ Notate rhythmic phrases and/or melodies, in varying simple meters, performed by someone else.

    MU.68.S.3.6:................ Develop and demonstrate efficient rehearsal strategies to apply skills and techniques.  (independently, collaboratively)

    LAFS.68.RST.2.4:........ Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domainspecific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.

    LAFS.68.WHST.2.4:.... Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

    DA.68.S.2.1:................ Sustain focused attention, respect, and discipline during classes and performances.

    ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1:...... English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.5.1:...... Use appropriate tools strategically.

    MAFS.K12.MP.6.1:...... Attend to precision. 

    MAFS.K12.MP.7.1:...... Look for and make use of structure.

    LAFS.6.SL.1.1:............ Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.