

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Backman

Mr. Backman became a resident of Florida in July 2022, after being hired to teach Math at LBHS. Prior to 2022, Mr. Backman lived in Vermont, where he attended the University of Vermont. Mr. Backman has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics, and a Master's Degree in Educational Administration, all from UVM.  Throughout his career, Mr. Backman has taught everything from Consumer Math to Advanced Placement Statistics. He has worked for the College Board as an AP Statistics Reader as well.  He also started and coached Varsity Snowboarding for 15 years and was the chair of the Vermont High School Snowboard Series for 10 years. He also coached  Boys Varsity Golf for 25 years.  When not at school, Mr. Backman loves to make sushi and work on his antique car projects. He is married and has 2 teenage children and 2 dogs. 

For the 2024-25 School year Mr. Backman is teaching:

Algebra 2

Algebra 2 Honors

AP Statistics