• Student Registration

    You should bring:
    *Written proof of current residence address (eg.-recent utility bill, mortgage, lease agreement)
    *Proof of date of birth
    -Certified copy of birth certificate
    -Passport or certificate of arrival in U.S.
    -Parents' sworn affidavit accompanied by a certificate of examination from a health officer or physician verifying child's age
    *Proof of immunization verified with HRS Form 680- This form is available from a private physician or the Health Department
    *Physical examination within the previous twelve months, signed and dated by a physician
    *Student's Social Security Number (bring the card with you)

    You should also bring:
    *Name and address of previous school(s) attended
    *Any available information from previous school(s) such as report cards, transcripts, or student participation in special programs
    *Proof of Custody- If a single parent is separated, divorced, or if other custodial situation exists, a copy of legal residential custody document will be requested
    >Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1st<